New film highlights issue of girls living in extreme poverty

‘This cannot go on - sexism is unacceptable - poverty can make it a death sentence’

The One Campaign have launched a powerful video to mark International Day of the Girl, called "When I grow up...", to highlight the difficulties faced by girls around the world. Video: One Campaign

A new film sheds light on sexism trapping millions of young girls in extreme poverty.

To mark International Day of the Girl, anti-poverty group The ONE Campaign has released the video, "When I Grow Up . . .", to highlight the fact that millions of girls are denied the future of their choice due to poverty.

Girls are asked the question: “What are you going to be when you grow up?” The answers begin as expected, but quickly turn to reflect the harsh reality for girls in the world’s poorest countries.

The video is part of ONE’s Poverty is Sexist campaign, which asks world leaders invest in the world’s poorest women and girls, ensuring they are not left behind in the struggle for gender equality.


According to the ONE campaign, 340,000 girls and young women will be infected with HIV every year while 33,000 girls become child brides.

“No girl wants a future where she’s denied an education, infected with HIV, or married off as a child, but this is the reality for too many girls living in extreme poverty,” said Roxane Philson, chief marketing officer at ONE.

“Until these barriers are broken, millions of girls in the world’s poorest countries are being denied the right to build the future they choose. This cannot go on - sexism is unacceptable - poverty can make it a death sentence, ” said Ms Philson.

After watching the video, viewers are asked to join the Poverty is Sexist campaign by signing the Poverty is Sexist open letter - calling on world leaders to fight for a world where every girl has the chance to build the future she chooses.