Dublin archdiocese reviews controversial fundraising drive

Spokesman confirms move after parishioners express concern

Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin. File photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

A review of an Archdiocese of Dublin fundraising initiative has begun, a spokesman has confirmed.

The archdiocese is undertaking a review of its Living the Joy of the Gospel: Building our Community of Faith fundraising campaign.

Parishes that had taken part in the pilot phase of the campaign “have, for the most part, been pleased with the response”, he said.

However, some parishioners have expressed concern, as a number of callers to RTÉ Radio One's Liveline programme recently made clear.


Francis McCabe is a victim of institutional abuse. He told The Irish Times he objects to being asked to pledge money to his church, the Immaculate Conception in Clondalkin, in addition to the two collections during weekend Masses.

‘They get enough’

“It’s wrong because they get enough on a regular basis,” Mr McCabe said.

He drew attention to the parish newsletter for Sunday, July 26th, which pointed out that it had “already raised over €100,000 in pledges towards our goal of €365,000 from parishioners”.

It said that “as a guideline for us to reach our goal we need 75 more families and individuals to consider pledging €2 a day over the next five years”.

According to its website, Donnybrook parish said that “to undertake our projects and play our part in Living the Joy of the Gospel we want to achieve our goal of €2,500,000 to be raised in pledges in the coming weeks”.

It said that “working closely with a small group of volunteers over the past few months, €1,560,000 (63 per cent) of our goal has been pledged or contributed”.

Last June, Rathmines parish advertised for a fundraising officer.

The advertisement said “the role involves setting parish campaign direction and managing day-to-day campaign operations, as well as executing the fundraising plan”.

Haddington Road parish said it aimed to raise €325,000 for the campaign.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times