Teacher aiming to kick a point in all 1,616 Irish GAA grounds

Kevin O’Riordan to visit all clubs by St Patrick’s Day to raise money for Hope Foundation

Kevin O’Riordan (25) is a primary teacher from Killea, near Templemore, and intends kicking a point over the bar at all 1,616 GAA clubs in the 32 counties by St Patrick’s Day.

A Tipperary man is kicking points all over Ireland to raise money for the children of Kolkata in India, where her returns for five weeks this summer.

Kevin O'Riordan (25) is a primary teacher from Killea, near Templemore, and intends kicking a point over the bar at all 1,616 GAA clubs in the 32 counties by St Patrick's Day, when he completes his novel 'Kick for Kolkata' in Croke Park on All-Ireland club final day.

He spoke to The Irish Times while enroute from Co Monaghan to Co Tyrone. His daily exercise, aided by the co-operation of county boards and local clubs, begins at about 7.15am and ends by 6.30pm.

He began the ‘kickathon’ on August 29th last, which has included the Aran and other islands, taking photographs at each club to record his point there.


In June 2014, Mr O'Riordan qualified and volunteered to work with the Froebel/HOPE Partnership to help children in Kolkata, formerly Calcutta.

"Kolkata changed my life," he said. "I had heard of the terrible slum conditions in which Mother Teresa of Calcutta had ministered, but not until I smelt the strong local spices and every human odour imaginable, saw the huge open dumps where cats, dogs, rats and flies are scrummaging through leftovers,...did I truly experience life in Kolkata.

“Each evening the children we had taught would be back on the streets begging. ...every rupee they get is taken off them by their overlords lurking in the shadows.,” he said.

On his return to Ireland he decided to raise money for the HOPE Foundation and last August set off “kicking a point on every GAA pitch on the island of Ireland”, as well as looking for sponsorship from clubs, supporters and the public.

He returns to Kolkata in June.

Fundraising details at www.gofundme.com/mgx2b8pm or by mobile a € 4 minimum donation to Kick4Hope to 50300.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times