Solicitor fined for not being ready

A solicitor representing a Christian Brother who is challenging a decision of the DPP to direct his trial on 20 charges of sexually…

A solicitor representing a Christian Brother who is challenging a decision of the DPP to direct his trial on 20 charges of sexually abusing young boys in the mid-1960s, was ordered by the High Court yesterday to pay £1,500 in costs because the case was not ready to go ahead when called.

When the matter was called before Mr Justice Kelly, Mr Michael A. Counihan SC, for the brother, asked for an adjournment because he was not ready to proceed.

Ordering the solicitor, Mr Niall O'Neill, of Partners-at-Law, Adelaide Street, Dun Laoghaire, to bear the costs for the failure to proceed, Mr Justice Kelly said the £1,500 should be paid forthwith and not reflected in any bill sent to the brother.