Somali police free kidnapped German

Somali police has released a German man and his local wife in an attack on a kidnappers' hideout.

Somali police has released a German man and his local wife in an attack on a kidnappers' hideout.

The pair had been taken at gunpoint on Saturday and held in a hilly region east of Bosasso, the main port of the semi-autonomous northern region of Puntland.

"We have released the German and his local wife using force," Bosasso governor Muse Gelle Yusuf told reporters.

"We surrounded the kidnappers last night in a valley, and attacked them this morning."


Authorities said one of the kidnappers was injured in gunfire during the operation.

"We have the man and woman in our hands and they are safe," the governor added.

The German had been in the region for several weeks, spending time with his wife's family, officials said.

They did not name the pair.

Kidnapping of foreigners and aid workers for ransom has become common in lawless Somalia, where a Western-backed interim government is fighting Islamist insurgents in the south, and gangs rule large swathes of territory.
