Some Voices

Recently adapted by playwright Joe Penhall for the screen, this is the story of Ray, a young Londoner who attempts to build a…

Recently adapted by playwright Joe Penhall for the screen, this is the story of Ray, a young Londoner who attempts to build a life away from the reality of his schizophrenic illness. But spurning medication and falling in with a pregnant Irish girl whose partner beats her viciously are moves which will have serious consequences. Endearing, upsetting, funny and wise, Les Martin's Ray is a magnificent achievement, while, as the brother and the lover whose lives are changed by his challenging presence, Alan King and Lise Hearns are equally strong. Blistering performances by Stewart Roche and Frank Coughlan as the abuser and the abused - the lover with a lethal temper and the elderly madman too long neglected by the system - compound the impact.

Finishes tonight, 8 p.m.