Spears taken to LA hospital

Britney Spears was taken from her home by ambulance early today.

Britney Spears was taken from her home by ambulance early today.

Spears (26), was rushed into an ambulance from a side entrance of her home in the Studio City district shortly after midnight, escorted by more than a dozen motorcycle officers, two police cars and two police helicopters.

Television images showed the motorcade snaking its way through empty streets from Spears' house.

She was taken to UCLA Medical Centre after a call from her psychiatrist, the Los Angeles Timesreported.


Hospital spokesman Mark Wheeler said he could not confirm the report and Los Angeles police also had no immediate comment.

The pop star, whose personal life has veered out of control in the last 12 months, lost custody of her sons Sean Preston (2), and Jayden James (1), in October, but had been allowed to see them three times a week in court-monitored visits.

Those visiting rights were removed on January 4th after Spears refused to hand back the boys to her ex-husband Kevin Federline and reportedly locked herself in a bathroom.

That episode ended with her being taken away on a stretcher and kept in hospital for two days.

Police also went to the home on Monday night after someone reported paparazzi trespassing onto the singer's gated community.

Spears has exhibited erratic behaviour since filing for divorce from Federline in November 2006. Her bizarre antics include shaving her head, attacking a car with an umbrella and bringing along a paparazzo friend on trips to a courthouse in her custody case with Federline.