State-backed agency to spend £2.2m on training

Skillnets, the new Government-sponsored agency to improve skills and training in the economy, has just approved funding of £2…

Skillnets, the new Government-sponsored agency to improve skills and training in the economy, has just approved funding of £2.2 million for projects involving 2,000 companies and 4,000 employees. The companies involved are providing a further £1.2 million.

The chief executive of Skillnets, Ms Maire Hunt, said the agency had approved funding for 60 new training networks, involving 4,500 companies and 12,000 trainees, since it was set up early last year. It has provided £7.7 million funding, with private industry providing £4 million.

Skillnets was established as a private company by the Government in conjunction with the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and various employer bodies, including the Irish Business and Employers' Confederation. About 37 per cent of funding comes from the companies involved, although it can fall as low as 25 per cent where small firms are concerned. The rest comes from the State.

Ms Hunt said Skillnets was different from previous training programmes, as it asked companies to identify their own training needs and then helped them network with other enterprises within the same region or sector to provide tailor-made courses.


"Half the workforce has no Leaving Cert qualifications," she said, "It's not just at advanced skills levels but basic skills levels that training is needed. Skillnets is an enterprise-led approach and industry is best placed to identify its own training needs."