Statement: Bertie Ahern

Statement made to the news media and invited guests at the launching of policy documents on immigration at Government Buildings…

Statement made to the news media and invited guests at the launching of policy documents on immigration at Government Buildings yesterday morning.

I have a short statement which I'm just going to say, then I'll leave you and love you. I've no more to say, so if I can just say a few words . . . I know the media really all turned up here today to listen to migration in Ireland, but for the one or two who may not have done [laughter] that, I'll just say:

The current focus on tribunal matters and on personal matters relating to myself arises from a calculated leak of confidential material which was made available to the Mahon tribunal in the course of their inquiries.

I have supplied extensive material, fully and freely, to assist them in fulfilling the terms of reference which my Government put forward and which we fully support, and of course the media interest and the opportunistic response are precisely the results which this sinister leak - from which source I do not know - was designed to provoke.


Tribunals of inquiry and commissions of investigation have enormous powers to investigate, in private and public, matters of public concern that come within the terms of reference. I believe this is necessary and, in the interest of fairness and respect for the rights of all citizens, they should be allowed to conduct their business properly, maintaining confidentiality for what is confidential as long as it is confidential, and dealing fully and publicly, where necessary, with issues which merit their attention.

Calculated leaks, from whatever source, that distort these procedures are, in my view, sinister. They constitute a further threat to the right of the citizen and the integrity of our systems of accountability.

I've given the tribunal full and comprehensive information about all of my financial and personal affairs, over many years, which they have inquired or which might be of any interest to them. My family and friends have also co-operated fully with the extensive demands made of them. All of that material is available to the tribunal and it's for them to assess its significance or relevance. As always, if they've anything to ask me, or write to me, I'd be very glad to answer. So, thank you very much.