Statement From Norbertine Community

On receipt of the news this evening of the sudden death of their member Fr Brendan Smyth, the Norbertine Community at Kilnacrott…

On receipt of the news this evening of the sudden death of their member Fr Brendan Smyth, the Norbertine Community at Kilnacrott offers its prayerful condolence to his family.

This is an occasion for all of us to turn our thoughts to the mercy, and, above all, to the support of Almighty God - mercy on all those who have offended the good Lord, support for those who have been, as in this case, so grievously offended and hurt.

The Lord Himself will be Fr Brendan's judge in His justice and in His mercy. May the same Lord continue with His strengthening grace to support through their lives those who have suffered at Fr Smyth's hands. Such is the prayer of the Norbertine Community today.

And may Fr Brendan himself rest in God's peace.