Statement on victims

The following statement was issued on Saturday by the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims' Remains

The following statement was issued on Saturday by the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims' Remains

The Independent Commission for the Location of Victims' Remains has received information on the location of the remains of the following people:

Jean McConville

Kevin McKee


Seamus Wright

Columba McVeigh

Brendan Megraw

John McClory

Brian McKinney

Danny McIlhone

The families of the deceased have been informed and the information received has been passed on to the Garda Siochana who are making arrangements to locate, recover and positively identify the remains.

We are conscious that this time of uncertainty, until the remains of their loved ones are recovered and positively identified, will be distressing for the families. We urge the media to respect the family's privacy at this time and to show sensitivity to their feelings, particularly when publishing any images.

John P. Wilson Sir Kenneth Bloomfield (Joint Chairmen)