Strike action threatens greyhound Derby

The centre-piece of the greyhound racing season could be hit by industrial action after Tote staff at Shelbourne Park and Harold…

The centre-piece of the greyhound racing season could be hit by industrial action after Tote staff at Shelbourne Park and Harold’s Cross voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action this evening.

The Irish Greyhound Derby Classic, sponsored by Paddy - the richest greyhound event in the world - is scheduled to take place on September 15th at Shelbourne Park but the dispute now threatens the event.

SIPTU represent around 70 part-time staff employed by Bord na gCon as clerks at their Tote betting desks. The union says they are currently paid just over £5 per hour.

A further cause of concern is the reduction of car-parking spaces due to the sell-off of land which, staff claim, poses a threat to their safety because they leave work late and are obliged to find on-street parking.


Ms Christine Rowland of SIPTU has accused the Bord of "negotiating in bad faith in order to force a breakdown in the talks".

However, Bord na gCon will be putting proposals to the staff in the middle of next week that will be put to the membership, possibly next Friday.

If the workers do not find the new proposals acceptable, then a strike that will almost certainly affect the Derby will take place next month.

A spokesperson for Bord nagCon was not available for comment this evening.