Strike at Shannon Aerospace averted

The Labour Court last night issued a clarification of a recommendation it made in July in the dispute between workers at aircraft…

The Labour Court last night issued a clarification of a recommendation it made in July in the dispute between workers at aircraft maintenance company Shannon Aerospace and management just days ahead of planned industrial action by the company's almost 800 staff.

Following several rounds of informal talks over the past week, the Labour Court last night issued a clarification of a recommendation it made in July.

Shannon Aerospace had confirmed that it requires cost offsets to enable it to pay the last two phases of the national agreement Sustaining Progress. An independent assessor examined these issues and reported last January that "the company is entitled to and needs off-setting costs".

On July 6th last, the Labour Court issued a recommendation stating that "the parties should enter into discussions as outlined in the conclusion of the Assessors Report and take a balanced approach towards agreeing cost off-setting measures in return for payment of the increases due under Sustaining Progress". While the company accepted that recommendation, Siptu rejected it.


Yesterday, the Labour Court clarified that recommendation stating that payment of Sustaining Progress should be disposed of before talks on ways of off-setting costs can take place.

Siptu welcomed the clarification stating that it would be "happy to enter talks with the company on the basis of the Labour Court clarification". A fortnight ago, the almost 800 workers at the company were placed on protective notice.