Strike ends at Kildare concrete company

A strike at a Kildare concrete company which was accused by Siptu of replacing Irish workers with non-nationals on lower rates…

A strike at a Kildare concrete company which was accused by Siptu of replacing Irish workers with non-nationals on lower rates of pay has ended, following talks between the parties.

Doyle Concrete had denied the union's claim that non-national employees were being employed on less favourable terms and conditions than Irish workers.

It said a reduced starting rate of pay had been introduced for all new employees, whether Irish or non-national, as part of a survival plan.

Siptu members at the plant, in Rathangan, had been on strike for the past six weeks and a rally in their support had been scheduled to take place tomorrow. That has now been cancelled.


The union's Kildare-Leixlip branch organiser, Adrian Kane, said yesterday a resolution to the dispute had been negotiated.

"Following intense negotiations, management has now agreed to withdraw the redundancy notices issued to our members and allow them to return to work immediately," he said.

It is understood that four workers had been made redundant by the company, which told the Labour Court that a restructuring was needed because of difficult trading conditions.

Mr Kane said the court's recommendation, issued a fortnight ago, had formed the basis of a settlement. "Management has agreed to reinstate the negotiated rates of pay, and these will apply to the non-national workers," he said.

Doyle Concrete welcomed the union's decision, saying it paved the way for discussions between the sides on a survival plan for the company, and that process would begin next week.

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley is Foreign Editor of The Irish Times