Student claims landlords spied on her

A Co Mayo student has claimed in the Circuit Civil Court that her Dublin landlords may have used electronic devices to spy on…

A Co Mayo student has claimed in the Circuit Civil Court that her Dublin landlords may have used electronic devices to spy on her and fellow tenants.

Ms Patricia Hegarty, of Farragh, Killala, Co Mayo, is suing Ms Rita McKenna and her daughter, Ms Edel McKenna, of Mobhi Road, Glasnevin, Dublin, for €38,000 damages for breach of quiet enjoyment of her flat.

She is also seeking an injunction restraining the McKennas from disseminating any materials obtained by them of a visual or audio nature of herself, her image or voice and a declaration that she is the copyright owner of any such material.

Mr Conor Bowman, for Ms Hegarty, asked Judge Alison Lindsay yesterday to commit the McKennas to prison for contempt of court in that they allegedly attempted to frustrate a court order made earlier this week.


The court had granted an order directing the McKennas to permit Ms Hegarty, her solicitor, an engineer and members of the Garda immediate access to their premises for the purpose of searching for suspected hidden electronic devices.

Mr Bowman said the group was kept outside for a period of time during which the power was cut off, and people inside could be seen moving with torches from room to room. When allowed on the premises, the group was allowed entry to only two rooms. The court had earlier heard that Ms Hegarty was one of 13 tenants who rented rooms in an annex to the McKenna residence.

Ms Hegarty claimed holes had been drilled in walls, and she believed she had been kept under surveillance before having been evicted. A cheque for a rent deposit had been stopped on her.

Mr Hugh O'Keeffe, counsel for the McKennas, was granted an adjournment to allow his clients time to enter an affidavit replying to Ms Hegarty's allegations.