Student remanded on porn charge

A student who admitted possessing child pornography was remanded on continuing bail yesterday pending further psychiatric treatment…

A student who admitted possessing child pornography was remanded on continuing bail yesterday pending further psychiatric treatment and reports.

Mark Teeling (23), Hampton Court, Clontarf, Dublin, pleaded guilty to two charges of importing a Russian-made pornographic video and possession of 19 computer disks containing child pornography which had been downloaded from the Internet.

Dublin District Court heard he was discovered as part of an international investigation into an internet company supplying child pornography videos.

Det Sgt Mary Delmar, National Bureau of Criminal Investigation, said Teeling's home was searched on March 22nd last year. Gardaí found 23 computer disks, 19 of which contained 250 images and one movie file of child pornography involving boys aged eight to 14.


Teeling made a statement in which he admitted ordering the video from Russia through a website. He was arrested in June last year for the purpose of investigating the content of the computer disks, and he co-operated fully.

On Tuesday, Judge Patrick Brady adjourned the case to allow him read a report on Teeling from the Granada Institute for sexual offenders. Yesterday, the judge adjourned the case to September 12th to allow Teeling to receive further treatment and assessment at the institute.