Students strike to highlight inaction

MANY third level students will abandon lectures today to hold protest demonstrations.

MANY third level students will abandon lectures today to hold protest demonstrations.

The protests highlight the Government's lack of response on four key issues: financial support, housing, union funding and representation, the Union of Students in Ireland says.

Students from RTCs in Tallaght, Dundalk, Sligo, Letterkenny, Tralee and Waterford, as well as students from Dublin City University, St Patrick's College of Education in Drumcondra and the National College of Industrial Relations, will stage demonstrations or sit in protests today.

In Dublin yesterday, 20 student leaders handcuffed themselves to the gates of the Department of Education in Marlborough Street at lunchtime as part of the two day programmed of protest action.


In Galway, UCG students marched with their RTC counters parts while students at Athlone RTC held a college picket and strike.

In a poll organised by the USI earlier this week, the lowest result in any ballot was 80 Per, cent in favour of the protest.

The deputy president of USI, Ms Noeleen Hartigan, said the results showed widespread dissatisfaction with the Government's, tack of response to students demands.

On financial support, USI wants the Government to set up a governmental working group with guaranteed student representation to examine "the real cost of living for students".

The maximum maintenance grant only offered students £40 a week, Ms Hartigan said.

"If you live in Dublin this may not even be enough to pay your rent.

"We want the Government to actually sit down with students to work out how much the grant is worth," she said.

Ms Hartigan also recommended the introduction of tax, incentives for landlords renting properties to students.