Summer Shorts

Savonlinna in Finland is the site of the world mobile phone-throwing championships, taking place for the seventh time this weekend…

Savonlinna in Finland is the site of the world mobile phone-throwing championships, taking place for the seventh time this weekend.

The Mobile Phone Throwing World Championships have been celebrated every year since 2000, with the intention to rid competitors of some of the frustrations of modern life. The first prize, of course, is a new mobile phone.

Fleadh finale

One of the last big music events of the summer, the Fleadh Cheoil in Letterkenny, reaches its climax this weekend. Seven hundred and fifty students, the highest amount to date, attended the Scoil Éigse this week. Sunday August 27th will see the festivities come to an official end but the après-fleadh festivities will continue into the following week.


Barkley bails out

Gnarls Barkley, two-man group which had a huge hit this year with Crazy, has been forced to cancel its appearance at the Electric Picnic festival in the first weekend of September.

The singer of the duo, Cee-Lo, has been advised to rest his vocal chords due to over-use, and a number of shows have been cancelled.

Multicultural mirth

Two African comedy nights take place this weekend. Four comedians from Nigeria, South Africa and Ghana will perform in Dublin's RDS tomorrow night and in the Cork Opera House on Sunday night.