Summer was warmest in 10 years

This summer was the warmest for 10 years with most areas enjoying higher temperatures and lower rainfall than normal, according…

This summer was the warmest for 10 years with most areas enjoying higher temperatures and lower rainfall than normal, according to Met Éireann.

Mean air temperatures for the season were about one degree above normal and June, July and August were each warmer than usual with the overall summer being the hottest since the record-breaking year of 1995.

The hottest weather of the season occurred during the first half of July, especially in the period from the 10th to the 12th where temperatures exceeded 25 degrees in most areas. Summer rainfall was lower than average this year with only around three-quarters of the normal amount of rain falling in parts of the midlands and eastern areas.

There were between 25 and 34 wet days, which is below normal levels of between 30 and 40 wet days. Dublin, in particular, was largely dry this summer with the exception of some heavy falls towards the end of July.


More than a third of the seasonal total at both Dublin stations was recorded in just two days, July 28th and 29th. The exception to this dryness was in the northwest with Malin Head registering its wettest summer since 1998.

However, even though it was warm and largely dry, it was also duller than usual with only parts of the south enjoying a normal amount of sunshine for the season. More than 15 hours of sunshine were recorded across most of Munster and Leinster on June 27th and July 11th, the sunniest days of the year.