JOHANNESBURG: A plan to restore the world's heavily depleted fish stocks by 2015 was agreed by 189 nations at the earth summit yesterday, the first major breakthrough in the negotiations.
With 60 per cent of stocks "being fished to destruction" the rescue package involves creating a series of protected marine areas around the world by 2012 and restricting fishing until stocks recover in many other parts of the oceans. The protected areas would be used as nurseries for species of fish such as cod, herring and tuna.
To combat the menace of illegal fishing by vessels flying flags of convenience the conference also urged all countries to sign up to the UN Law of the Sea so that rogue fishermen can be arrested, fined and in serious cases have their gear confiscated. Currently, only 130 countries have ratified it.
The summit also agreed to urge the London-based International Maritime Organisation to strengthen its rules restricting pollution from ships.
The problem of saving fish stocks has become increasingly urgent as fleets from Japan and the EU with sophisticated equipment tour the world making short work of once productive fisheries - having a devastating impact on many of the world's poorest people who rely on coastal fisheries for protein.
One of the worst examples is along the coast of Africa, where EU vessels, having fished out stocks in the North Sea, are now over-exploiting the stocks of Namibia, Senegal and Mauritania. The EU is using $304 million a year of taxpayers' funds to buy fishing licences from the governments of these countries without having a proper scientific understanding of the full effects. British officials were elated yesterday at the agreement, saying it was "not a complete answer to the problem but a substantial way there".
The idea is to reduce current fishing levels to increase stocks to a point when scientists can calculate the "maximum sustainable yield". This is the total amount of fish that can be caught annually without running down the stocks.
The exact location and size of the protected marine areas envisaged in the rescue package have not yet been released. The United States had originally resisted the deal, particularly the date of 2015 for restoring stocks, but gave way when the words "where possible" were added.
This is partly a scientific point because some stocks, such as cod off the Grand Banks in Newfoundland, may be beyond hope. The stocks collapsed in the early 1990s but have not recovered because cod eggs are believed to be eaten by predators before they can hatch. - (Guardian Service)