Supermarket shop stewards seek "goodwill payments"

MANDATE and SIPTU shop stewards representing Quinnsworth and Crazy Prices staff have asked their unions to take a claim for "…

MANDATE and SIPTU shop stewards representing Quinnsworth and Crazy Prices staff have asked their unions to take a claim for "goodwill payments" to the Labour Relations Commission.

They want the money in recognition of the contribution staff have made to the company's success before its takeover by Tesco for £640 million. This follows a heated meeting at Mandate headquarters.

Mandate's national industrial officer, Mr John Douglas, said they would seek an urgent meeting with Powers Supermarket Ltd, holding company for the supermarket chains, under the auspices of the LRC. They also want guarantees that existing terms of employment would be maintained.

While it was unlikely that the unions would strike over "good-will" money, he said, it might take a tougher stance on other issues such as arrears of wages and holiday pay for part time staff.