Support fund for victims of the Troubles established

A commission has been appointed by the Minister for Justice to administer a support fund for victims of the conflict in Northern…

A commission has been appointed by the Minister for Justice to administer a support fund for victims of the conflict in Northern Ireland in this jurisdiction.

The €9 million Remembrance Fund is being established to assist victims of the violence and their families resident in the State at the time of their death.

The commissions will be able to make payments to bereaved families and provide lump sums to spouses and dependent children.

It will also assist with unmet and continuing medical costs, including home help expenses not already paid by a State agency.


Assistance with relocation will also be offered to individuals or families who have had to move as a direct result of the conflict.

The members of the commission were announced by the Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell last night. The five member body will be chaired by Mr David Andrews and will include Ms Pat Hume, Ms Catríona Murphy, Mr Paddy Mullarkey and former Irish Timeseditor Mr Conor Brady.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times