Suspect in murder of girl (13) cries in court

SPAIN: A Spaniard accused of murdering a British girl, Caroline Dickinson, eight years ago burst into tears when questioned …

SPAIN: A Spaniard accused of murdering a British girl, Caroline Dickinson, eight years ago burst into tears when questioned at his trial yesterday, forcing the court in the French city of Rennes to suspend its session.

Francisco Arce Montes (54), who is accused of the rape and murder of the 13-year-old, had said earlier this week he sexually assaulted Dickinson in a youth hostel in Brittany but did not intend to kill her.

The hearing on the fourth day of the trial was designed to give an overview of his past and personality.

"I don't know. I have nothing to say," he said several times in Spanish, before breaking down one hour into the hearing.


Dickinson was attacked and suffocated eight years ago as she lay in bed in the dormitory of the youth hostel in the town of Pleine-Fougeres. She was sharing the room with four other girls, who were not disturbed by the attacker.