Suspended sentence for man in child porn case

A 59-year-old man found with over 400 images of child pornography has been given a two-year suspended sentence and a fine of €…

A 59-year-old man found with over 400 images of child pornography has been given a two-year suspended sentence and a fine of €1,000 by Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

Martin Quinn, of Wesley Lawns, Dublin 16, pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography found at his home on October 30th, 2003. He was also originally charged with distribution of the images, but the charge was later dropped by the DPP.

Ms Mary Rose Gearty, prosecuting, said although Quinn, a married man with two children and one grandchild, had distributed some of the images, it was only as a condition of joining an internet sub-group called Latina Mysteries, which he was found to be part of.

Det Sgt James Madden told Ms Gearty that Quinn's involvement in the offence came to light during an extensive investigation by London Metropolitan Police. Investigators came into possession of a disc which contained images of child pornography.


Det Sgt Madden said Quinn had co-operated fully with gardaí, was sincerely sorry and was a very lonely man living in his own world.

"I am 100 per cent satisfied that he is deeply ashamed."