Syringe used in struggle

A MAN who brandished a syringe in an attempt to escape from gardai was jailed for three years by Dublin Circuit Criminal Court…

A MAN who brandished a syringe in an attempt to escape from gardai was jailed for three years by Dublin Circuit Criminal Court yesterday. Alan Cullen (26), was first before the courts when he was 11 and had 19 previous convictions, Judge Cyril Kelly was told. Sgt Donal Brazil said he and other gardai went to Cullen's home at Portland Square, Dublin, early on April 26th, 1996, to arrest him. Student Garda Michael Burke was pushed against a wall by Cullen, who produced a syringe but after a violent struggle was disarmed. Cullen pleaded guilty.

Mr Michael O'Higgins, defending, said Cullen wanted drug counselling and residential treatment to overcome his addiction.

Judge Kelly said it was clear an intensive residential programme was needed. He would review Cullen's case on November 24th if he was found suitable for such a regime.