Talking horse

`Calm down," said the memo passed to Minister for Foreign Affairs, David An- drews, in the middle of the talks in London on Wednesday…

`Calm down," said the memo passed to Minister for Foreign Affairs, David An- drews, in the middle of the talks in London on Wednesday. Not being one to get into a state, he looked about him without alarm and saw no panic or reason to. Then he looked at the note again. The next words were Lingfield 2.30 p.m. and the name Seamus Mallon: He knew then. Wednesday was the second time a minor betting coup had been organised by Mallon from Lancaster House. On Wednesday, word went round, and various members of the Irish and SDLP delegations, as well as a few from the PUP, organised a runner to the nearest bookies' and money was placed. Certain elements at the talks did not participate, being against such frivolity. Calm Down came in at three to one.