Talks held in dispute over pensions

Unions at Independent Newspapers yesterday held exploratory discussions with the National Implementation Body on their dispute…

Unions at Independent Newspapers yesterday held exploratory discussions with the National Implementation Body on their dispute with the company over planned changes to its pension arrangements.

The intervention of the NIB, which is made up of senior Government, employer and union representatives, is the first under a clause in the new partnership programme, Towards 2016, dealing with pensions disputes.

A company spokesman said it had no discussions with the implementation body, but had briefed "a party" - understood to be the employers' body Ibec - on its position.

Unions at the company have balloted to strike in the event of changes to its pension scheme being imposed without agreement.


The company wants to address a €30 million deficit in its defined benefit pensions scheme by setting up a new scheme, which would be closed off to future staff members.

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley is Foreign Editor of The Irish Times