Talks on Mideast are ‘frustrating’, says EU Minister

Belgian Foreign Minister Mr Louis Michel, tonight said at World Conference Against Racism discussions on the Middle East were…

Belgian Foreign Minister Mr Louis Michel, tonight said at World Conference Against Racism discussions on the Middle East were "frustrating."

His statement comes as delegates at the conference in South Africa continue last minute battle to save the week-long conference from collapse, over the contentious Middle East and legacy of the past.

"Things are still in discussion now. The negotiations go on. The discussion is not closed," added Mr Michel, who is leading the EU delegation.

At a press conference, Mr Michel also said: "Durban is not the place to push violent politics of the Middle East. I know the suffering of the people in the region. That conflict is a conflict between two people and we have to try to bring them together."


The Belgian Foreign Minister refused to confirm reports this evening that the EU has accepted to apologise for its part in slavery and colonialism.

"I sincerely think that time has come for us to tell them that we have remorse. Others would say apologise… For the moment we are discussing about all these issues," he said, adding "the draft of the document is on the way for final discussion."

Mr Michel also told newsmen that "concrete results of the world conference against racism are essential to fight the cause of racism all over the world."