Talks to try and avert hospital overtime ban

Conciliation talks under the auspices of the Labour Relations Commission to try and avert industrial action at Our Lady of Lourdes…

Conciliation talks under the auspices of the Labour Relations Commission to try and avert industrial action at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, Co Louth, broke up last night without resolution. The 360-member ATGWU lifted its threat and the matter will be dealt with at a later hearing of the Labour Court.

The union, which represents porters, cleaners, household and catering staff, had balloted in favour of a ban on overtime from this morning, saying the pressure on its members to carry out additional work was due to a failure to employ sufficient staff and could not continue.

"The cap on recruitment has contributed to this situation and our members have been asked to come in and work on their holidays and on their days off," union spokesman Colm Kinsella said yesterday as he entered conciliation talks. "This cannot go on."

Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital management has called on the union to withdraw the proposed overtime ban "as both sides have agreed to conciliation".


Mr Kinsella said patients were a priority for the ATGWU.

It had put forward a number of proposals including the creation of two dedicated cleaning units and a pool of workers which would, he said, eliminate the need for the HSE to employ agency staff.