Tank construction protest continues

A round-the-clock protest by residents of a south Dublin estate over the construction of a water storage tank and booster pump…

A round-the-clock protest by residents of a south Dublin estate over the construction of a water storage tank and booster pump station on a public green is entering its second week.

Labour leader Pat Rabbitte and Minister of State Conor Lenihan are among the politicians who have attempted to defuse the dispute between residents of Beechdale, in Ballycullen, Dublin 24, and Maplewood Developers.

Residents have said they will continue to protest until the situation is resolved. They have drawn up a roster and are taking turns to stage a round-the-clock "sit-down" protest on the site.

At a recent meeting, South Dublin County Council passed a motion to cease construction on the site. On June 30th, residents staged a protest as the council's agm took place. They also spoke briefly to county manager Joe Horan and gave him a letter outlining their concerns.


The council's enforcement section served Maplewood Developments with a warning letter on June 29th. The developer has until July 31st to make observations and submissions in response to the enforcement warning.

In an attempt to end the stalemate, residents have made representations to a number of councillors and TDs in recent weeks. Labour leader Pat Rabbitte visited the site and met 25 residents to discuss their concerns.

Mr Rabbitte told The Irish Times that the council had taken an unreasonable amount of time to respond to residents' concerns. There would be "no question" of the development going ahead.

The developer confirmed that there has been correspondence between the groups' solicitors. A spokesperson for Maplewood said the work forms part of the conditions of the original planning permission and any decision on the works will be dependant on the position of the council.