Taoiseach announces Junior Ministers

There were a few surprises when the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, announced his junior ministerial team and their portfolios today

There were a few surprises when the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, announced his junior ministerial team and their portfolios today. The only junior ministers to survive following the general election and the sackings and promotions to Cabinet were Mr Tom Kitt, Mr Willie O'Dea, Mr Noel Treacy and Ms Mary Hanafin.

There was bad news though for Ms Mary Wallace, Mr Eoin Ryan, Mr Danny Wallace and Mr Noel Davern. They are existing junior ministers and were returned to the Dail only to have lost their jobs.

Mr Tom Parlon and Mr Tim O’Malley of the Progressive Democrats will add two Junior Minister posts to the two cabinet positions agreed under the Programme for Government deal struck with Fianna Fáil.

The appointed Ministers of State are:

  • Ms Sile de Valera - Department of Education and Science (with special responsibility for adult education, youth affairs and educational disadvantage)
  • Mr Jim McDaid - Department of Transport
  • Mr Frank Fahey - Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (with special responsibility for labour affairs including training)
  • Mr Noel Treacy - Department of Agriculture and food (with special responsibility for food and horticulture)
  • Mr Willie O'Dea - Department of Justice (with special responsibility for disability and equality issues)
  • Mr Tom Kitt - Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr Pat the Cope Gallagher - Department of the Environment and Local Government
  • Mr Liam Aylward - Department of Agriculture and food (with special responsibility for animal health and welfare and customer service)
  • Mr John Browne - Department of Communications and Natural Resources
  • Mr Michael Ahern - Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (with special responsibility for trade and commerce)
  • Mr Ivor Callely - Department of Health and Children (with special responsibility for services for older people)
  • Mr Noel Ahern - Department of the Environment and Local Government (with special responsibility housing and urban renewal) and the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.
  • Mr Brian Lenihan - Department of Health and Children, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and at the Department of Education and Science (with special responsibility for children)
  • Mr Tim O'Malley - Department of Health and Children (with special responsibility for disability and mental health services and food safety)
  • Mr Tom Parlon - Department of Finance
  • Government chief whip Ms Mary Hanafin - Department of Defence
Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times