Taoiseach concedes North talks 'in difficulties'

The Taoiseach today conceded that the talks on restoring the devolved institutions at Stormont are "in difficulties".

The Taoiseach today conceded that the talks on restoring the devolved institutions at Stormont are "in difficulties".

Mr Ahern urged all the political parties in Northern Ireland "to move and bring people with them".

He was speaking at the unveiling in Dublin today of information on the European Constitution.

"It's true to say it's quite difficult trying to make progress", he said but denied the talks were at a stage where time was running out. Mr Ahern said the situation was no more than he predicted two weeks ago when he said it would be a tedious and slow process.


"We're not at the stage yet where we say we can't make it. Progress has been made but not enough" he added.

The Taoiseach said he and the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, would discuss the talks at a meeting of European heads of state in Rome tomorrow, "to assess where we are".

He said: "The DUP are the latest into these negotiations, and they have to move and bring people with them. Other parties have been a long time at it, so it's important to realise it takes time."