Taoiseach travels to Paris for EU summit

Taoiseach Brian Cowen has travelled to Paris today for a summit aimed at strengthening and widening relations between the EU …

Taoiseach Brian Cowen has travelled to Paris today for a summit aimed at strengthening and widening relations between the EU and other countries from the Mediterranean region.

The summit hosted by French President Nicolas Sarkozy formally launched the 'Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean'.

Speaking ahead of his departure, Mr Cowen said: ""I believe that this forum will provide a stronger basis from which EU and Mediterranean Partners can cooperate on responses to common challenges, for example on climate change and security of food supplies."

The Taoiseach will remain in Paris, at the invitation of President Sarkozy, to attend Bastille Day celebrations tomorrow.

France urged the summit to tackle 21st century challenges from immigration to energy security today that sealed a new detente between Syria and Europe.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad attended the conference with over 40 other leaders including Israeli prime ,inister Ehud Olmert, the first time Israeli and Syrian leaders have been in the same room. The two countries recently began indirect peace talks with Turkish mediation.

The diplomatic breakthrough enables Assad to emerge from isolation in the West three years after the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, which many believe was orchestrated from Damascus.

PA and Reuters