Taxi stoppage to disrupt traffic on M50

Traffic on a large section of the M50 motorway faces severe disruption from midday today as taxi drivers continue their protests…

Traffic on a large section of the M50 motorway faces severe disruption from midday today as taxi drivers continue their protests concerning a planned new fares structure.

The hour-long drive along a stretch of the motorway's northbound lane will conclude a national stoppage by drivers due to take place from 6am to 1pm.

The motorway protest will be called off only if the drivers' unions are satisfied with the outcome of a meeting to take place at 9.30am with the taxi regulator, Ger Deering. There is little optimism of progress at the meeting, however.

The planned stoppage is the fourth protest action by taxi drivers since July, in response to a new regulatory structure and fare changes due to come into effect on September 25th.


Jerry Brennan of Siptu, one of the three unions supporting today's protest, said last night the drivers' greatest concern was that changes were being imposed without negotiation. They had no recourse to third-party bodies such as the Labour Court and therefore had no option but to take their protest to the streets, he said. Mr Brennan said drivers would congregate today at the Papal Cross in the Phoenix Park. If the meeting with Mr Deering did not result in progress, the drivers would leave the park by the Castleknock exit and join the M50 motorway.

From there they would proceed in convoy towards the northern end of the motorway before dispersing at 1pm.

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley is Foreign Editor of The Irish Times