Teenage amateur stalks leaders

Golf: Fifteen-year-old Matthias Schwab stole the spotlight in the Austrian Open third round on Saturday, firing a second successive…

Matthias Schwab (15) is five shots off the lead at the Austrian Open. - (Photograph: Stuart Franklin/Getty Images)
Matthias Schwab (15) is five shots off the lead at the Austrian Open. - (Photograph: Stuart Franklin/Getty Images)

Golf: Fifteen-year-old Matthias Schwab stole the spotlight in the Austrian Open third round on Saturday, firing a second successive three-under 69 to move within five shots of joint leaders David Lynn and Danny Willett and three of Ireland's Graeme McDowell.

The Austrian schoolboy, playing on a special invitation, belied his age by mixing five birdies with two bogeys at the Diamond Country Club in Atzenbrugg.

Schwab, his country's top amateur, is making his European Tour debut this week but seems unfazed about competing with the likes of Ryder Cup team mates McDowell and Miguel Angel Jimenez, and former British Open champion Todd Hamilton.

"For me it's cool to come here and compete with the best golfers in Europe," the teenager told reporters after finishing on eight-under 208, adding he wasn't bothered by the big galleries that followed him.


"I was not nervous. I'm focused now on the final round."

Lynn, who won the Dutch Open in 2004, carded an eagle, eight birdies and two bogeys in a 64 as he and fellow Briton Willett (65), seeking his maiden tour victory, set the pace on 203.

McDowell, preparing for next month's Ryder Cup at Celtic Manor in Wales, shared third place on 205 with Briton Chris Gane (66) and Swede Pelle Edberg (68) after a 68, while Jimenez returned a 70 for six-under.

Alongside him is Damien McGrane, who went one better than McDowell when shooting a 67, but Simon Thornton lost ground after his 75 dropped him back to two under.

Gary Murphy remains on one over after his second consecutive 72.