Teenager fled from Dunblane inquiry

A 15 year old girl who once attended a camp run by Dunblane murderer Thomas Hamilton ran away from home rather than face the …

A 15 year old girl who once attended a camp run by Dunblane murderer Thomas Hamilton ran away from home rather than face the ordeal of giving evidence to the inquiry into the massacre.

Victoria Hagger, of Aberdeen left her mother a note last weekend saying she did not know why" their warnings about Thomas Hamilton eight years ago mattered now when the authorities had done nothing then.

She was reunited with her mother, Doreen, on Friday after hearing that she had been excused giving evidence to the inquiry.

Victoria was seven when she and her brother Andrew went to one of Hamilton's camps on an island on Loch Lomond in 1988.


Her mother and two other adults stayed at the camp for almost two weeks after Mrs Hagger, became worried at finding boys living in squalid conditions.

Victoria told the Mail on Sunday newspaper "It sounds funny to say it now, but I just knew then he was evil, a bad man."

Hamilton seemed to hate her as the only girl at the camp, frightened her by rocking her in a rowing boat on the loch, and twisted her arm up her back, she said.

When Mrs Hagger warned Hamilton she was leaving to report him to police, Hamilton threatened her with a rifle, saying. "Wouldn't it be strange if your tent caught fire tonight?"

Victoria and Mrs Hagger were later interviewed by police but, despite a report by a family protection unit officer warning that Hamilton was a menace to boys and his gun licence should be revoked he was not taken to court.

Victoria said she had nightmares about Hamilton for years before the massacre at Dunblane Primary School on March 13th.

She told the newspaper. The day he murdered the children I heard the news on my radio. Then they named the killer. . It was as if I'd been waiting for something like this. I thought I was going to faint. "I ran away rather than go to the inquiry because I see no point in it all it's all too late," she said. "I feel so guilty. They need never have died."