Teenager questioned over west Dublin death

Gardai sealed off the scene last night. Photo: Fran Veale

Gardai sealed off the scene last night. Photo: Fran Veale

A teenager has been arrested by gardaí investigating the dead of man near the Liffey Valley Shopping Centre in west Dublin.

The 17-year-old male was arrested this afternoon and is being questioned at Ronanstown Garda Station under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act. He can be held for 12 hours.

Gardaí are awaiting the results of a postmortem that was carried out this morning on the body.

The remains were discovered at around 4pm yesterday near the Liffey Valley Shopping Centre. The deceased was believed to have been in his twenties. He has been identified but his name has not yet been released.


Deputy State pathologist Dr Michael Curtis performed a postmortem this morning, and the man's body has since been taken to Dublin City Morgue.