Teens rescued from boat off Howth

Three teenagers were rescued off Howth, Co Dublin early this morning after they drifted out to sea in a boat believed to have…

Three teenagers were rescued off Howth, Co Dublin early this morning after they drifted out to sea in a boat believed to have been stolen.

Howth lifeboat was launched after the crew was alerted by gardai.

The teenagers allegedly untied the boat from Howth harbour and were attempting to row to Ireland’s Eye when the strong tide took the small boat, a spokeswoman for Howth Lifeboat said.

"Local gardai requested the assistance of Howth RNLI following a failed attempt to locate the stolen boat," she said.


"The three men managed to hide the puck-type boat among rocks to avoid being seen. The RNLI voluntary crew went to the scene and took the three youths aboard the inshore lifeboat. All three were treated for hypothermia by the crew, as they were only wearing light clothing. They were then taken ashore in Howth where they were handed over to the gardai."

A Garda spokesman confirmed there had been an incident but said no arrests had been made and it appeared to be a case of "too much drink taken".

Voluntary crew helmsman for Howth RNLI Fred Connolly said: “The boys were lucky that weather conditions were not worse, The RNLI reminds people about the dangers of the sea, and especially that lifejackets should be worn at all times. This incident particularly highlights the need for the 24-hour rescue service that the RNLI provides."

The Howth lifeboat was launched three times yesterday to come to the aid of pleasure craft in the Howth area.