Terms agreed for future public service parting deal

THE GOVERNMENT and public service trade unions have reached agreement on the terms to apply in the event a of a new voluntary…

THE GOVERNMENT and public service trade unions have reached agreement on the terms to apply in the event a of a new voluntary redundancy scheme being introduced in the future.

The formula will involve the payment of three weeks’ pay for each year of service plus statutory entitlement.

This is similar to the scheme put in place for staff leaving the health service in 2010.

The new deal could cover situations in which the Government would introduce a targeted voluntary redundancy scheme in a particular part of the public service.


It could also be used in circumstances where a small number of staff in a particular area could not be redeployed under the provisions of the Croke Park agreement due, for example, to their location.

The Croke Park pact rules out the introduction of compulsory redundancies for staff in the public service. However, the Government is permitted to introduce voluntary redundancy schemes.

The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform said last night that the Coalition was committed to substantially reducing the numbers in the public service.

“The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the public service committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions have agreed a framework to facilitate that process for any potential future voluntary redundancy schemes terms.

“The maximum available for any public servant in a redundancy situation will be that offered in the 2010 health voluntary redundancy scheme; this is in line with the developing norms for redundancies which the taxpayer is supporting.

“This agreement reflects the need to restrict costs to the exchequer,” the department added. “It will help to ensure that the cost of any potential future voluntary schemes is consistent across the public service and represents a fair balance.

“Specific voluntary redundancy schemes will form part of workforce planning and future numbers reduction in the public service on a targeted, voluntary basis.”

A footnote to the agreement states that “a public service employer may seek the sanction of its parent department and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform to make a collective agreement with a body representing relevant employees that varies some or all of the terms of this agreement”.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the Public Policy Correspondent of The Irish Times.