Terror suspect freed on bail in Britain

British Home Secretary Mr David Blunkett has lost his bid to stop an Algerian held without charge under anti-terrorism laws from…

British Home Secretary Mr David Blunkett has lost his bid to stop an Algerian held without charge under anti-terrorism laws from being freed on bail because of his worsening mental state.

The detainee, known only as "G", had been held without charge or trial since December 2001 under anti-terror laws passed after the September 11th, 2001, attacks on the United States. The legislation allows foreigners to be detained indefinitely without charge or trial.

A special Immigrant Appeal Commission said today the detention of the man (35) was prolonging the mental illness he was reported to be suffering from.

It ruled that G can be bailed under strict house arrest conditions. He must be electronically tagged and cannot leave his apartment without a police escort.


His lawyer Ms Gareth Peirce said: "He is being driven to madness by what Mr Blunkett has done to him."

But a spokesman for Mr Blunkett said the decision was very surprising. "This is an individual whom the court has agreed with the home secretary can be believed to be a terrorist and now just a few months later authorities say he should be released on bail."