Text service to warn teenagers about drugs

A new mobile phone text service aimed at giving young people a better understanding of the dangers of drugs was unveiled today…

A new mobile phone text service aimed at giving young people a better understanding of the dangers of drugs was unveiled today.

The free 50100 Virtual Outreachservice was announced by Crosscare in Dublin and will send people information on drugs to their mobile phones.

The service works by texting the name of the drug to 50100; within seconds a brief summary of the danger involved in taking it and where to get more information will be sent back.

Crosscare says the text service will recognise the hundreds of variations, code words and street language used around drugs.


Director of Crosscare Conor Hickey said that every night in clubs, bars and streets, teenagers are being offered drugs for the first time but that the messages will be a support service in the pocket of a young person.

"Despite all that we have learned in Ireland about drug use and abuse, when you are

13 or 14, it can be all new to you. This service gives clear, concise information in an instant and could save lives."

The 50100 text service will initially be available on a pilot basis for six months.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times