
"Unfortunately we have a global network, a global economy and global companies, but we have not got a global legal system

"Unfortunately we have a global network, a global economy and global companies, but we have not got a global legal system. Never before have we lived in a situation like this" - Belgian computer engineer Robert Cailliau who co-drafted the first proposals for the World Wide Web.

"Calls would come one after another at my house, and my sister would talk to them. I don't entertain them because my siblings tell me there will be more offers to come" - The suspected author of the "Love Bug" virus Onel de Guzman (24) speaking about job offers he has received.

News monitor column by Patrick Logue. Computimes edited by Conor Goodman and Conor Pope

The full text of Computimes reports is available on The Irish Times web site at www.ireland.com


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