
"It is clear that the Internet will become the dominant means of doing business worldwide, And to succeed in the Internet Age…

"It is clear that the Internet will become the dominant means of doing business worldwide, And to succeed in the Internet Age, customers must adapt to a new paradigm of speed, global competitiveness and e-commerce where continuous connections to customers, partners, suppliers and employees are absolutely essential and where your competition is just a click away."

- Compaq president and CEO Eckhard Pfeiffer at Compaq's Innovate Forum 99 in Houston, Texas.

"In the very near future, it will be a basic human right for the people of the world to have access to the Internet. Human beings who are not connected to the Internet may be at a disadvantage as the information age continues to grow at a rapid pace."

- ohn Hart, 3Com senior vice president at the American Electronics Association's CyberSummit in California