"Business-to-consumer gets all the press because people like to read about it. Business-to-business is really the backbone of the US and the world economy and that's where probably 80 per cent of this business is coming from."
- Intel CEO Craig Barrett, who also predicted that the number of Internet users would increase six-fold to one billion within five years.
"We believe that value of the Internet and other emerging mediums will only be realised by the provision of meaningful, interactive and quality original content."
- Barry O'Neill, rondomondo's chief executive, speaking at the launch of Telecom Eireann's media venture.
"I hope that we find that the Y2K Act succeeds in helping to screen out frivolous claims without blocking or unduly burdening legitimate suits."
- President Clinton signing into law a bill designed to limit lawsuits and save American businesses billions of dollars in legal costs.
"Right now, all the portals and most of the successful sites are programming to the lowest common denominator since most are still on a 28.8 modem. When we have expanded bandwidth, the character and personality will come into sites and you will see differentiation. When you can go turn the television into interactive text and data, a couch potato becomes a hot potato."
- Infoseek President and CEO Harry Motro speaking at Summer Internet World 99.
Monitor compiled by Conor Pope. Page layout by Sarah Marriott. Text-only email to computimes@irish-times.ie preferred (rather than fax, post, phone). No attachments, please. Private correspondence should be marked "Not for publication".