
"This deal proves that the competitive landscape of the hightech industry, of which Microsoft is a part, can change dramatically…

"This deal proves that the competitive landscape of the hightech industry, of which Microsoft is a part, can change dramatically overnight. . . These people aren't running scared; they're running hard against Microsoft." - Bill Neukom, Microsoft's vice president for corporate legal affairs urging the world to forget the ongoing antitrust trial in the wake of AOL's proposed merger with Netscape.

"Netscape did what was in the best interest of Netscape. This has nothing to do with the DoJ case and I don't think this [deal] affects the case one way or another." - Netscape CEO and president, Jim Barksdale (pic- tured left in more bullish times) takes a slightly differ- ent view.

"The government has no intention of withdrawing the case, and Microsoft knows that."

- David Boies, lead counsel for the DOJ, clarify- ing matters somewhat.