Thai opposition rejects offer from Thaksin

Thailand's main opposition Democrat Party rejected an offer by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra today to set up a panel of eminent…

Thailand's main opposition Democrat Party rejected an offer by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra today to set up a panel of eminent persons to find a way out of the country's political crisis.

Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra
Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra

"We no longer believe in the prime minister," party spokesman Ong-Ard Klampaiboon said. "Therefore we are not interested in his offer".

Mr Thaksin claimed victory in Sunday's snap election with more than 50 per cent of the vote. But the election failed to resolve a political crisis and he promised to set up an eminent persons group to find a way out of the mess.

Mr Thaksin, accused of corruption and abuse of power by street campaigners trying to oust him, said he would step down if that was what the group of former judges, university chiefs and prime ministers recommended.


Nursing a political bloody nose after a poll boycotted by the main opposition parties, Mr Thaksin said on a television talk show his party won more than half the vote in yesterday's election.

But he said votes for his party had dropped from 19 million at the last general election in February 2005 to 16 million and that 10 million voters had voted to abstain - effectively a vote against him - or for minor parties with no chance.

"I want reconciliation for the country. I will do anything," he said. "I have retreated so many steps that my back is against the wall.

Appearing calm at the end of a day of confusion caused by the Election Commission's slowness in releasing results, Mr Thaksin's tally released him from a promise to resign if his Thai Rak Thai (TRT) party won less than half the vote.