Thais seek to oust prime minister

THAILAND: Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters massed in central Bangkok yesterday in the latest rally aimed at ousting…

THAILAND: Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters massed in central Bangkok yesterday in the latest rally aimed at ousting the beleaguered prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra.

The People's Alliance for Democracy, a loose coalition from all walks of life which organising the 65,000-strong demonstration, insisted the gathering at Sanam Luang, or Royal Field, would continue until the Thai prime minister resigned.

"The rally will go on and we won't stop unless we win," said Suriyasai Katasila, an alliance leader. Theerayuth Bunmee, a prominent social critic, urged anti-Thaksin groups to adopt a "civil disobedience" campaign if the prime minister ignored their calls for him to resign.

Mr Thaksin, who managed to pull a crowd of 100,000 to a rally in Bangkok on Friday, has refused to quit. He has instead called a general election on April 2nd, arguing that he should be judged by the nation and not just a "Bangkok rabble" he has branded "idiots".


The former telecoms tycoon's political mentor, Chamlong Srimuang, is among those who have turned against Mr Thaksin. The hero of the 1992 popular revolt that toppled a military government said yesterday he would lead his "Dharma Army", clad in blue shorts and sandals, to the democracy monument near the Royal Field and camp there until dawn.

Mr Katasila said he would not bow to police demands to disperse. "If the police don't allow us to stay at the venue, we have the right to disobey their orders," he said. "The rally will go on and we won't stop unless we win."

Acknowledging that the forces coalescing against him are gaining strength, Mr Thaksin on Friday offered to resign if he did not secure 50 per cent of the votes. He also promised to implement constitutional reform to strengthen the nation's democracy.

Opposition parties have said they will boycott the election unless Mr Thaksin resigns.

Analysts say such a strategy is extremely high-risk because they will almost certainly be excluded from formal politics unless they can persuade enough Thais to follow their lead.

The anti-Thaksin movement, which began last year, began to wane noticeably in January until Mr Thaksin's family made a £1.1 billion tax-free windfall from selling their shares in the Shin Corporation in a deal lambasted as an abuse of power and conflict of interest. - (Guardian service)

CRISIS: critics say PM abused position

Critics of Thailand's prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, claim he has abused his position - he is one of the country's richest people and the first leader to enjoy an absolute parliamentary majority - to enrich his family and abuse human rights.

Unable to defeat him in parliament, opposition forces have taken to the streets.

Several prominent figures have deserted him and the "pro-democracy" forces are large enough to force Mr Thaksin to call an election.

An opposition boycott and Mr Thaksin's stubbornness mean the poll is unlikely to resolve the crisis.