The Creighton Bradford bash

MIRIAM LORD'S WEEK: Fine Gael were quite the social animals this week

MIRIAM LORD'S WEEK:Fine Gael were quite the social animals this week. On Saturday night Minister of State for European Affairs Lucinda Creighton and Senator Paul Bradford held a bash in the Guinness Gravity Bar to celebrate their recent marriage.

The Taoiseach and his wife, Fionnuala, were in attendance at the black-tie affair, which went on well into the early hours, when some of the more energetic revellers carried on to Buck Whaley’s nightclub, on Leeson Street.

The couple, who were married in the chapel of Trinity College on the day that Prince William and Kate Middleton tied the knot, were in fine spirits, with Lucinda stunning in a cream-satin off-the-shoulder cocktail dress.

As is always the case, the guest list was of great interest to the politicians, given that the Creighton-Bradfords, as some have taken to calling them, were to the fore in the failed heave against Enda Kenny.


Missing from the party were Kenny’s two lieutenants, Big Phil Hogan and chief whip Paul Kehoe, while Lucinda’s constituency colleague in Dublin South East, Eoghan Murphy, was another notable absentee – he didn’t receive an invite, apparently.

No sooner had they recovered from their exploits in the Grativy Bar and Bucks than they were off again on Tuesday, this time to Dicey Riley’s bar in the Russell Court Hotel.

Deputies Nicky McFadden (Longford Westmeath), Heather Humphreys (Cavan Monaghan) and Áine Collins (Cork North West) organised a charity barbecue in aid of cystic fibrosis and raised over €1,000 on the night.