The devoted troops

On May 30th, 1801, the Times contained the following paragraph - "How gloriously is the situation of this country changed, when…

On May 30th, 1801, the Times contained the following paragraph - "How gloriously is the situation of this country changed, when all these threats, projects, and preparations for invasion are contemplated with scorn by the people? Should our enemies escape our fleets, does any one think they can escape our prisons? The only doubt that now exists is, whether the devoted soldiers of a desperate usurpation are about to add fresh laurels to our ever-conquering Navy, or to be the matter of our soldiers' triumph, like their brave but deserted comrades in Egypt. One cannot but wonder how long the French armies will continue to be the dupes and victims of General Bonaparte!"

In the same issue it is announced that the greatest part of the Irish rebel officers who served in the expedition under General Humbert, had joined the troops destined for the invasion of Ireland.

The Irish Times, May 31st, 1901