The dust-cart splendid!

Apropos your paragraph in the Diary a few days ago on the dignity of the dustcart, writes a correspondent, it would appear that…

Apropos your paragraph in the Diary a few days ago on the dignity of the dustcart, writes a correspondent, it would appear that this vehicle is not only to be dignified in the future, but it is to be splendid.

Few of us, perhaps, have ever imagined that the dust collector of our early morning familiarity could, or would, in time become a thing of beauty; but that, apparently, is the fate of the dust-cart, if one may judge from the remarks made at the recent Municipal Conference in London. Some of the speakers at that Conference pointed out that green and gold was the most appropriate colour scheme for the refuse collecting cart, and, while many people will think those colours splendid, indeed, when compared with the muddiness of our own carts, they would be amazed if they were asked to give sanction to a scheme of cream and gold. Yet one speaker assured the Conference that cream and gold as the accepted colour scheme for the dust-carts of the city of Leipzig.

In a city where the tramcars have had to discard their blue and cream of tradition and familiarity in favour of grey with black or red trimmings, it is unlikely that the dust-carts will ever reach the dignity of cream and gold. There is no reason, however, why they should not aspire to emulate the green and gold of Wigan, and rank in equality with army wagons and postal vehicles.

The Irish Times,


December 4th, 1928.